October 16, 2024

Joshua Webley's journey to becoming a Private Wealth Specialist and helping people relocate to Malaysia.

Joshua Webley's journey to becoming a Private Wealth Specialist and helping people relocate to Malaysia.

9 years ago, I was living in the U.K., in a small city in Yorkshire called Doncaster. I had never travelled abroad alone before, other than annual trips to Spain as a child. I was always under the impression that moving abroad could only be done by those who have lump sums of cash, unlimited free time or a competitive relocation package as part of a job offer. After living out my routine day by day, working night shifts as a railway engineer around the country, coming home, eating, sleeping, waking up to go again and it hit me that there is a much bigger world outside of my hometown and I was going to do all I could to discover it.

So, I bought a ticket and left, and the rest was history. Since then, I have lived in or visited over 40 countries, from riding camels in the deserts of Morocco and exploring the vast history of architecture in Germany, right through to the old towns of Panama and the hectic nightlife of South Korea. I’ve been woken up by the glistening sun in Miami, and fallen asleep the very same day to the sunsets over the pyramids of Egypt. Boarding more flights than I dare to remember, finding new apartments, getting new visas stamped, rebuilding my network every time and adapting to the culture of each new home. During covid, I was working in the health insurance industry, ensuring that expats whilst living abroad were covered for the worst, and that’s when I knew I had found what I wanted to do, I didn’t want to just travel, I wanted to help people whilst I did it.

Eventually I returned back to Malaysia, with my beloved Fiancée, two cats and took an opportunity working with Melbourne Capital Group. Here, I am forever learning and growing in my role as a Private Wealth Specialist, it’s a perfect fit for me as I navigate the delicate new worlds of international finance, being mentored by industry leaders with the goal of passing my own qualifications to move up and grow within the industry. But more importantly, I get to help people on a day-to-day basis, often solving problems that they were unaware was an issue in the first place. I focus a large portion of my time on running expat networking events, whether as a committee member for the Royal St Georges Society, alongside Expats Malaysia or simply on my own, one of those being the KL Curry Club. Once a month a group of expats meet at a curry house and meet new people, raising over RM3,200 for various charities and usually having around 40-50 attendees. Through speaking to people at these events with people who had only just arrived in Kuala Lumpur, I realised I have something else to offer to the expat community here. Through all my years of travelling, visa’s, flights and building a home in new countries, I have developed an unteachable insight into how to relocate abroad.

Which gave me the idea to create www.RelocatingToMalaysia.com - To help those who are thinking of moving to Malaysia, or are already here and don’t have the network or resources to fully navigate around for a comfortable life. I understand that when you live in foreign lands, your network is cut off, which limits your resources. So behind my website I built up a team of trusted professionals, a network of experts who focus purely on helping expats. Everyone needs help, just not always in the same area. If expats need help with restructuring wealth abroad, or international protection we can help with that at Melbourne Capital Group. But sometimes the needs go beyond our grasp, sometimes those needs are knowing trusted real estate agent to help you find a home for you and your family. Then knowing how to navigate the area, ensure your children are going to the perfect international school for their curriculum or understanding the complexities of moving your business and brand into a new country. I have requests from knowing how to lease cars, understanding local law and even how to make sure your pets can fly with you here, and I have a professional team who can help with pretty much everything.

As I grow the Relocating To Malaysia team, building as many inclusive events and growing ‘The Expats Club” community I can already see how much it positively impacts those who use it for its intended purpose. Having one client that can be serviced by multiple professionals at any one time, can take what would be 6 months of stress, to a seamless few weeks. I started my journey at Melbourne Capital Group at the beginning of 2024, a mere 5 short months ago. My personal journey and evolution within the company in that time period is something I’m very proud of and excited to grow, but with the way this company has excelled from a start up to the globally recognised and respected leading firm it is today, it would be very difficult to not have a desire to grow within it. I also believe if I can build everything I have done in that short period, I am overly eager to see where my path takes me in the next year.

"The main benefit (of the website) is the one-stop-shop element for those who are relocating. Joshua has built up an amazing network of people in all fields to be able to aid and support those about to tackle the process of relocating to Malaysia.

For example, I am helping on the real estate side. People from all over the globe are getting work in Kuala Lumpur and when a client says, "I need help finding a place to live", Josh exchanges our numbers and I help them find a home they will be happy to be in during their time here"

  • Christopher Ellis, Property Management.

So, if you plan on relocating to Malaysia, whether for work, retirement or anything else and you have questions. However big or small those questions are, please feel free to reach out, I or one of my team will assist you in your relocation.

For more information, please feel free to email me at joshuawebley@melbournecapitalgroup.com and connect with me on Linkedin.

Or visit www.relocatingtomalaysia.com to read our articles or ask a question.

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