October 16, 2024

Tips for Managing High-Risk Assets and Low-Risk Assets

Tips for Managing High-Risk Assets and Low-Risk Assets









時間の分散: 金融市場は変動が激しいため、すべての資産を同時期に購入すると市場の急落によって大きな損失を被る可能性があります。円安や円高により為替リスクも発生します。そのため、投資を行うタイミングを分散させることで、市場の変動リスクを軽減できます。

資産の分散: 異なる種類の資産を保有することで、リスクを分散させることができます。例えば、株式、債券、不動産などさまざまな資産クラスを組み合わせることで、一つの資産クラスの値動きに依存せずにリスクを分散できます。資産の共倒れを防ぐことができるため、ポートフォリオ全体のリスクを抑えることができます。

地域の分散: 世界の異なる地域に投資対象が存在し、それぞれの地域は独自の経済や政治状況に影響を受けます。一つの地域に偏らず、国内外の金融商品を組み合わせて保有することで、地域リスクを分散させることができます。世界的なリスク要因による影響を緩和し、ポートフォリオの安定性を高めることができます。例えば、BRISCなどの新興国は著しい成長を遂げており、大きな期待ができる一方で多くのリスクが伴います。





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Today, we discuss some tips for managing high-risk assets and low-risk assets. Efficient asset allocation and risk management are crucial elements in maximising returns while minimising losses. Let's explore some key points to consider:

Tips for Managing High-Risk Assets and Low-Risk Assets

Determining the Allocation of High-Risk Assets and Low-Risk Assets:

One important factor to keep in mind when starting your investment journey is the allocation between high-risk assets and low-risk assets. Having a higher proportion of low-risk assets can help reduce the potential for significant losses but may also limit potential returns. On the other hand, increasing the allocation of high-risk assets can offer greater potential returns but also increases the risk of significant losses. It's important to strike a balance that aligns with your age, financial situation, savings, and investment goals. Reassess and adjust your allocation as your assets and life circumstances change.

Managing Risk through Long-Term Holding and Diversification:

One key point to mitigate risk when investing in high-risk assets is diversification. There are several ways to diversify your portfolio:

  1. Time Diversification: Financial markets are volatile, and investing all your assets at once may expose you to the risk of significant losses during market downturns. Fluctuations in the value of the yen, such as yen depreciation or yen appreciation, can also create currency exchange risks depending on the timing. By spreading out your investments over time, you can reduce the impact of market fluctuations.
  1. Asset Diversification: Holding different types of assets can help diversify your risk. For example, combining stocks, bonds, real estate, and other asset classes can help reduce dependency on a single asset class and prevent the risk of complete loss in case of a downturn. This allows for risk mitigation and helps maintain overall portfolio stability.
  1. Geographic Diversification: Investments in different regions worldwide are influenced by unique economic and political conditions. By diversifying your investments across different countries and regions, you can mitigate the risk associated with a particular geographic area and enhance the stability of your portfolio.

By combining these diversification methods, you can optimise the risk of your investment portfolio and pursue stability in returns. However, it's important to note that diversification does not completely eliminate risk. Proper risk management and continuous monitoring of your investments are essential. For example, rapidly growing countries (Brisc), such as emerging markets, hold great potential but also come with a number of risks.

Portfolio Construction

Before diving into investments, it's crucial to construct a well-planned portfolio. Determine the allocation between high-risk assets and low-risk assets that aligns with your risk tolerance and diversification goals. Assess your financial situation, consider your life plan, and calculate the necessary funds required. The general principle is to invest with surplus funds.  Melbourne Capital Group can assist you in evaluating your current financial status and supporting your life plan.  

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Our team of Private Wealth Managers will learn to understand your appetite to risk and propose the most suitable options for your needs from a wide range of investment choices. With a team comprising Japanese and international experts, we are fully committed to supporting you in achieving your goals. If you are interested, please feel free to consult with us by contacting info@melbournecapitalgroup.com or filling out the form below.

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