September 11, 2024

The Difference Between Asset Formation and Asset Management

The Difference Between Asset Formation and Asset Management

*Please scroll to the second half of this page for the English version of this article.







  • 収入の一部を定期的に貯蓄する習慣を身につける。
  • 無駄遣いを減らし、予算管理を徹底することで余裕のある貯蓄を実現する。
  • 資産運用の一部ではありますが、貯蓄を運用するための口座を開設したり、投資信託に投資したりすることも大切です。複利を生かした基本的な投資口座は時間の経過とともに節約を増やすのに役立ちます。






  • リスク管理: 投資はリスクを伴いますので、リスク管理が重要です。リスク許容度を把握し、ポートフォリオの分散やヘッジ戦略を検討してリスクを最小限に抑えることが重要です。
  • 長期的な視点: 資産運用は長期的な視点で行うことが一般的です。時間の経過とともに資産が成長することを期待し、短期の変動に左右されないようにしましょう。
  • プロフェッショナルなアドバイス: 投資には専門的な知識が必要ですので、金融アドバイザーや投資の専門家の助言を受けることが重要です。専門家のアドバイスを元に、自分に合った投資戦略を構築しましょう。
  • 分散投資: 単一の資産に依存せず、異なる市場や産業に投資することでリスクを分散し、収益の安定化を図ります。
  • 自己のリスク許容度の理解: 投資には個人のリスク許容度が影響しますので、自分のリスク許容度を把握し、それに合った投資戦略を立てることが重要です。
  • マーケットのリサーチ: 市場調査を行い、投資する資産クラスや銘柄を選定する際には情報収集が欠かせません。経済指標や企業の業績などをチェックして、根拠のある判断を行いましょう。
  • 定期的な再評価: ポートフォリオの状況を定期的に再評価し、変化に応じて調整することが重要です。投資目標に合わせて戦略を見直し、最新の情報を反映させることで収益を最大化します。


(ドルで、長期かつ高い利率の定期預金サービスはこちら) -click here.  



Today, we discuss the differences between asset formation and asset management. These two play a crucial role for individuals looking to build financial security and ultimately, grow their wealth.

Asset Formation:

Asset formation is the process of building a foundation to accumulate wealth, aiming for future financial stability and asset growth.

In the initial stages of asset formation, individuals typically have limited assets, and their primary source of funds is their earned income. During this phase, it is crucial to increase income and build savings. However, there are various steps that can be taken to further advance asset formation. Let's take a look at some examples:

Savings and Budgeting:

  • Develop a habit of regularly saving a portion of your income.
  • Reduce unnecessary expenses and diligently manage your budget to create room for savings.
  • Open accounts or invest in mutual funds. Basic investment accounts with compound interest will help grow your savings over time.
  • Build a 6-month emergency fund that can cover sudden medical expenses, car repairs, unexpected travel, job loss, or any other unanticipated expense.

Learn more about compound interest here.

It's important to reassess fixed expenses as well. Simply reevaluating monthly expenses such as cancelling underutilized subscription services or adjusting insurance premiums according to your current needs can lead to increased savings.

Asset Management:

Asset management or investment management involves effectively growing assets through investments and strategic actions. Typically, after a certain level of assets has been accumulated through asset formation, individuals begin asset management activities such as investing in stocks or real estate.

By engaging in asset management, individuals have the opportunity to generate higher returns. Although investments like stocks and real estate carry relatively higher risks, adopting a long-term perspective and diversifying investments can help maximize returns.

Key Aspects of Asset Management:

  • Risk Management: Since investments involve risks, it's crucial to manage them carefully. Understand your risk tolerance and consider diversification and hedging strategies to minimise risks.
  • Long-term Perspective: Asset management is generally approached with a long-term perspective, anticipating asset growth over time and not being swayed by short-term fluctuations.
  • Professional Advice: Expert knowledge is necessary for making informed investment decisions. Seek advice from financial advisors or investment professionals to create a suitable investment strategy.
  • Diversification: Diversifying investments across different markets and industries helps mitigate risks and stabilise returns.
  • Understanding Risk Tolerance: Personal risk tolerance plays a role in investment decisions. Understand your own risk tolerance to tailor an appropriate investment strategy.
  • Market Research: Market research is essential in selecting asset classes and securities for investment. Gathering information such as economic indicators and company performance can lead to well-founded decisions.
  • Regular Re-evaluation: Regularly reassess your portfolio's performance and adjust it according to changes and new information to maximize returns.

At Melbourne Capital Group, we provide support to those who want to take their first steps into investments or structuring a financial plan. We start by understanding the current household financial situation and your attitude to risk before working with one of our partnered asset management firms to produce a personalised investment portfolio for you.

For dollar-denominated, long-term, and high-interest fixed deposit services, click here.  

Our team of Private Wealth Managers comprising of Japanese and international experts are fully committed to supporting you in achieving your goals. If you are interested, please feel free to consult with us by contacting or filling out the form below. We also accept inquiries via Twitter DM.

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