September 11, 2024

Decrease in Asset Value due to Inflation?

Decrease in Asset Value due to Inflation?

*Please scroll to the second half of this page to view the English version of this article.








<例> ①インフレ率が去年と比べて2%上昇している場合、去年は100円で変えたものが102円になり、100円では買えなくなります。 ②10年後にインフレで物価が2倍になっていると仮定すると、現在の100万円は50万円の価値に下がります。  


2022年ので日本のインフレ率は2.5%、マレーシアは3.3%です。特に日本の普通預金や定期預金の利率は0.002%ほどのため、インフレ率がそのまま資産の減少に繋がります。 マレーシアの普通預金や定期預金の利率は0.2%~4%ほどであり、もし利率が3%の場合、インフレ率を差し引いた0.3% (3.3%-3.0%)が目減りすることになります。  

このようにインフレーションによる物価上昇によって私たちの資産は実質的に大きく変動しているのです。資産を増やして行くためには、インフレ率以上の利率で確実に資産を運用して行くことが求められます。 投資は必ずハイリスクハイリターン、ローリスクローリターンです。だからと言ってリスクを恐れて何もしないと、ただただ資産の価値だけ下がっていきます。

今まで投資が怖くて一歩踏み出せなかった方は、ローリスクで長期的に資産運用を始めてみませんか? 弊社はそんな投資への一歩を踏み出したい方をサポートをさせて頂いております。

(ドルで、長期かつ高い利率の定期預金サービスはこちら -



Decrease in Asset Value due to Inflation

Have you ever felt the decrease in asset value due to inflation? Recently, prices of various goods, including food and service fees such as education, have been increasing everywhere.

Inflation actually has a significant impact on our assets. The decrease in asset value due to inflation refers to the situation where the value of the assets we hold decreases because the value of money diminishes in real terms as prices rise.

Inflation is an economic phenomenon that refers to the sustained increase in the general level of prices. In other words, prices rise, and the amount of goods and services that can be purchased with the same amount of money decreases. This phenomenon is usually caused by the relationship between supply and demand.


  • If the inflation rate has increased by 2% compared to last year, something that cost 100-yen last year will now cost 102-yen, and you won't be able to buy it with 100 yen anymore.
  • Assuming that prices have doubled due to inflation in 10 years, the current 1 million yen would be worth 500,000-yen.

Thus, assets held in the form of cash or bank deposits lose value due to the impact of inflation.

Inflation rates in Japan and Malaysia in 2022 were 2.5% and 3.3%, respectively. Especially in Japan, the interest rates for ordinary deposits and time deposits are around 0.002%, so the inflation rate directly leads to a decrease in asset value. In Malaysia, the interest rates for ordinary deposits and time deposits range from about 0.2% to 4%. If the interest rate is 3%, the net decrease would be 0.3% (3.3% - 3.0%) after subtracting the inflation rate.

Through this, our assets are technically fluctuating due to the rise in prices caused by inflation. To increase our assets, it is necessary to invest them at a rate higher than the inflation rate.

Investments always involve a trade-off between high risk and high return, or low risk and low return. However, if we fear the risks and do nothing, the value of our assets will simply decline. If you have been hesitant to invest due to fear, why not start investing with low risk and long-term strategies? We recently summarised our Fixed Deposit options here.

We support those who want to take that first step into investing. We propose the most suitable investment options for each individual's needs from a wide range of choices. Our team, including Japanese professionals and experts from various countries, will fully support you in achieving your goals.  

If you are interested, please feel free to contact us at or fill out the form below! We also accept consultations via DM on Twitter.

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