April 25, 2024

Building your Child’s Education Fund and your Retirement Savings through Secure and Stable Asset Management

Building your Child’s Education Fund and your Retirement Savings through Secure and Stable Asset Management

Please scroll to the second half of the article to view the English version.




最近、主に教育費の値上げによって引き起こされる子育て費用のインフレに関する記事(article on childcare inflation)を掲載しました。学年が上がるごとに授業料は高くなり、学校によっては年々授業料がどんどん高くなっているそうです。。お子さんが卒業するまで今の貯金で足りるのか、不安になりますよね。

またこちらの記事(survey conducted by Bloomberg)では、人々が快適に老後生活を送ために必要な金額についてブルームバーグが実施した最近の調査についても触れました。退職年齢の引き上げに伴い、老後資金の確保が懸念され、さらに年金の受給年齢が上がっていき、老後の資金面も考え物です。


あるサービスでは Fixed Income Portfolioでドル建てかつ、比較的高い利率での定期預金を組むことができ、100%元本確保もされる低リスクな投資が可能なんです。この Fixed income portfolioにはいくつかプランがあり、皆さんの運用目的やリスク許容度に合わせて選択が可能です。







Recently, we published an article on childcare inflation, primarily caused by the increase in education fees. It can be worrisome to think whether your current savings will be enough for your child until they graduate. We also touched on a recent survey conducted by Bloomberg on how much people will require to retire comfortably. With the retirement age increasing, there are concerns about securing enough funds for retirement. As a solution to set you on the right path, this article will talk about a practical investment option to consider while building your child’s education fund or saving for retirement.

While many of you may have regular savings in fixed deposits, did you know that you can use those funds for asset management? With a Fixed Income Portfolio, we can help you invest in US Dollar fixed-term deposits, which offer low-risk investments with a guarantee of 100% principal protection at maturity.

What is a Fixed Income Portfolio

The Fixed Income Portfolio offers various plans, allowing you to choose according to your investment goals and risk tolerance.

At present, Malaysian banks offers fixed deposits with relatively high interest rates, but there are not many fixed deposits such as the above because they are operated in ringgit, and even if they are possible in other currencies, they are short term. However, we work with international partners to give you accessibility to fixed deposits that can be denominated in dollars at a fixed interest rate for a period of 3 to 10 years, which is a great advantage.

Portfolio Composition

By investing in multiple different bonds and high-yielding fixed income assets, the portfolio aims to diversify risk, enhance overall stability, and achieve a stable cash flow with predictable returns.  

Why not put your money to work and increase the value of your assets in the long run for education funds and retirement savings? Whether you are a first-time investor considering long-term asset management, or are interested in offshore investments, this is an investment opportunity worth considering.

We are here to support those who are taking the first step into investment. In addition to the options explained today, we offer a wide range of choices and will propose the best solution tailored to your individual needs, with a team of experts from various countries, including our Japanese team. We are dedicated to supporting you in achieving your goals.  

Please feel free to contact us if you are interested or have any questions. You can reach us at info@melbournecapitalgroup.com or fill out the form below. We also accept inquiries via Twitter DM.

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